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We believe that architecture can create better places, and a better civilization by making communities more livable. Corporate social reponsibility (CSR) allows us to operate in ways that enhance the society and enviroment. By contributing to the devlopment and building of a sustainable society, we are on step closer to creating a difference, Here at Shawkat interiors, we are aiming to create a positing CSR standard by engaging in several social initiatives and acitivities targeting segments locally and internationally. Our reponsibility is not limited to the labor and built enviroment, but rathar using our thinking abilities in designing and implementing plans. We also take part in educating and guiding the young and uncoming architects about their role in society and what they can offer to help better world.
Shawkat interiors are more than willing to help and give back to the community in any possible wat we can, if there are any opportunities that require our services please feel free to contact us and let us make a difference togther.